Sometimes, you are sure that a certain move is going to yield results in your favourite mobile casino game, only for you to lose. Gambling is a great way to make money and have fun, but when it doesn’t go as planned, it can throw your game off and leave you questioning every move. While it’s ok to feel bad for a while, staying here will only encourage a losing streak. So how do you deal with a bad beat?

What is a bad beat?

A bad beat describes a hand in which a player appears to have a good hand but loses anyway. It occurs when you bet the clearly stronger hand, and your opponent makes a bad call that wins the turn eventually, or the river card is dealt in their favour, for instance.

There is still some debate about what can be termed as a bad beat with players disagreeing whether a certain hand was a bad beat. For example, quads over a full house, quads over quads or a straight flush over quads.

While playing at the best online casino in India, for instance, any hand that looked like a sure win can end up losing as more and more cards are dealt. However, the nuts, which are the strongest possible hands in a given game, are the exception.

Bad beats usually include one or both of these scenarios: a player who wins a bad beat is rewarded for unsound play such as calling a bet despite having neither the best hand or the right pot odds to call.

Alternatively, a bad beat can occur when a very strong hand loses to an even stronger hand, better known as a cooler. In this case, both players have probably played their cards well, and avoiding a bad beat was impossible without committing a mistake.

The best ways to calm down after bad beat

A bad beat can make you upset and cause a tilt. This tilt is a poker phenomenon, where you might play poorly due to emotional distress such as anger, and can be prompted by many things such as bad beats, or losing streaks.

Avoiding tilt is critical as poker is a game of decisions that needs you to think rationally and logically. If your ability to be rational is impaired, you aren’t at your best. Here are some ways to calm down while playing:

1. Take some deep breaths

You may be very upset or angry and want to go after the player that cost you the pot. However, this will only make you aggressive, and you could end up playing a lot worse.

So take some deep breaths to help slow your breathing and calm you down. Inhale deeply for about 6 counts and exhale for 8. Bring your mind to your breath. This will make you more mindful and calm.

As you exhale, let go of the anger and disappointment you felt at losing the previous hand.

2. Listen to some music

Music can be excellent therapy. Research says that listening to classical music by great maestros like Beethoven and Mozart have a calming effect on the brain. There are many apps and albums with soothing music specifically to relieve anxiety and stress.

3. Accept the outcome

Your opponent had a weaker hand and still managed to beat you by the river. While this blow stings, ask yourself whether getting all worked up and upset about it is really worth it. Take a minute and collect your thoughts and understand that variance can be brutal. Remember that being successful is playing a hand well, not necessarily winning it.

4. Try some hand presses and drink some water

A quick way to calm down whenever you are upset is to press your hands together or clench your fist for about 5 seconds and then release them. This can help you release tensions from your body, especially your shoulders.

This tension, coupled with your emotional state, can cause exhaustion and affect how you play. Water can help reduce stress as well as cool you down. So as you play, have a glass of water beside you.

If you still haven’t calmed down, quit the game and come back once you are calmer, as it can affect how you play.

A bad beat can be quite a shocker, especially after losing a big pot. However, how you move on from there depends on your mindset. Understand that you made a big decision, and although you lost, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Accept that they are part of the game, but with these tips, you can recover from a bad beat more easily.