Today’s Horoscope says that every day comes to a host of new opportunities and circumstances. Preparing for what’s in store for you will always keep you ready for the best and the worst situations. Want to know what the day has in plan for you, check out the free astrology prediction for all zodiac signs right here. If you want to know your weekly and monthly horoscope, you can also click here.

ARIES (MAR 21 – APR. 20)

You are like an unbeatable force today and though there will be oppositions, you will easily annihilate them. This is the day to accomplish what you have been trying to do for a long time because simply no one can stop you now. Keep your must urgent tasks scheduled for today and success will be yours at every step of the way. You will be fine no matter how much you will be expected to pace yourself. However a good mood can boost your tackling ability very well and will give you a renewed sense of vitality. 

TAURUS (APR. 21 – MAY 21)

There may be a sudden uproar of emotions in some one close to you. And the reason could be possibly you! You have a tendency to quickly jump onto conclusions! And have blamed the person for being unfaithful without properly looking into the matter! So you should better inculcate the patience of sitting back and watching the things get revealed at the right time.ᅠMinor accidents are a strong possibility, especially on the road. So, be extra careful while driving or crossing the street because a collision may occur now.ᅠ 

GEMINI (MAY 22 – JUNE 21) 

You can easily pull up every thing together now and make your life larger. Maintain your focus and diverge all your energy onto it. Just do not say anything which can land you in an emotional mess. Those who are in business may be able to expand it or renovate the already established outlets. Life takes its own course and sometimes when things are not in our own hands, we need to wait patiently and calmly. 


You are in an inexplicable hurry today. You need to slow down because trying to finish all your jobs in a hurry will result in mistakes for which you may earn censure. Slow down. Pay closer attention to what you are saying and doing. You need to be careful and pay greater attention to details in order to complete your task in a satisfactory manner. Take care of the health of an elderly relative today. You are likely to be preoccupied with other things and pay less attention to your partner,

LEO (JULY 24 – AUG. 23)

You will be feeling unaccountably stubborn today and persist in going against what everybody else and your own good sense tell you to do. You need to realize that digging your heels in is not going to solve any problems. You have to be able to open your heart and mind in order to cope successfully with your current difficulties. If you are working on a health related project or are planning something new then you can achieve results far more easily and successfully than you have ever imagined.

VIRGO (AUG. 24 – SEPT. 23)

You have a talented and impressive personality which will get highlighted in front of everyone today ヨ including both your well-wishers and people opposing you! Pay heed to the advice of the former ones and ignore the rest. Your elders will be there in your support and will guide you well to regain your focus on certain very crucial goals of your life. Pay a lot of attention to revise your diet and incorporate healthy meals in it.

Today is a bright time for the creative people. Your skills and works will be appreciated. Even monetary gain for the work of the creative people is predicted today. If you are a student, it is suggested to go out and take that dreaded exam. The stars tell that students will do good in exams today. You are confident and positive today. Today is a good day for cracking any interview or any deal with the client.

SCORPIO (OCT. 24 – NOV. 22)

Everything seems to fall into their proper place today and all your endeavour will meet with success. You may even recoup losses which you have incurred earlier. As a result you tend to be overly optimistic about possibilities at first. Try to guard against the tendency to take risks without checking out the opportunities in depth. A sudden unexpected encounter may catch you off guard today.


You have probably been feeling ignored in recent days, but today you will grab the attention of all. The limelight will be centred on you and you are going to justify it by rising easily to the occasion. This can be related to the appearance of a new friend, reappearance of an old one or some situation at work. You will be motivated today to make some real and healthy changes in your lifestyle. You may decide to give up an addiction like smoking and start a regime of healthy exercise.

You are in an outgoing and exuberant mood. A number of opportunities in various fronts will open up in front of you and you are more than ready to take full advantage of them. Following your instincts today can lead to great things both in your finances and in your personal life and relationships. The day is going to be full of events and you are going to enjoy every moment of it. Your finances are volatile today and you may see yourself taking a plunge into some losses. Do not worry much as it may be a small loss. Be cautious. 

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 – FEB. 19)

You have tried a new work out and it does wonders for you. Today you may be showered with compliments. You may have lost a few inches from your waistline. You may be feeling more energetic and active. A new hobby may attract you and you may find yourself completely engrossed in it. A very positive day is marked for you. Discipline and hard work are your forte. You may be in a disillusioned mood as your career seems to have stalled. However, hard work always pays off. You are on the right track.

PISCES (FEB. 20 – MAR 20)

The day is perfect for showing your talents. You may act more aggressive or assertive than you generally do and this is going to surprise the people around you. They will be put out of balance and will probably have to revise their opinions about you. This element of surprise can provide you with a much needed edge. Be sure to utilize this to the fullest extent. Winning an argument is very different from winning a heart. You may have the knack of proving your point but that will estrange your partner. 

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