Today’s Horoscope said that every day comes a host of new opportunities and circumstances. Preparing for what’s in store for you will always keep you ready for the best and the worst situations. Want to know what the day has in plan for you, check out the free astrology prediction for all zodiac signs right here. If you want to know your weekly and monthly horoscope, you can also click here.

ARIES (MAR 21 – APR. 20)

You could be feeling rather restless today and anxious to get out in the open for a while, but mundane tasks and responsibilities could force you to postpone it. Someone you care for might asks for a favor – and while you may not want to help this person you probably will. Don’t let your irritation show; just get it done quickly and accept the person’s thanks. In the evening: Go for a long walk under the stars.

TAURUS (APR. 21 – MAY 21)

This is likely to be an unusual day today. The effect of today’s aspects may fill your head with memories that weigh down your thoughts. As a result, you may find yourself overreacting, discarding items from the past willy-nilly, without careful consideration of how much they mean to you. Rather than risk the regret such actions would no doubt generate, who not instead try and figure out what is causing this knee-jerk reaction in the first place?


You have been eager to take on some new challenges, and today you may begin to formulate some new goals for yourself. Don’t be afraid to reach for the stars, because all indications are that any new venture of yours will turn out favorably. Pay extra attention to the little details today, because you wouldn’t want to be delayed in the future because of something you forgot to do today.


Focus on the simple pleasures today. Don’t feel like you have to go searching in far-off lands or engage in expensive recreational activities to find happiness and peace. Realize that everything you need is all inside. Find your smile in delighting in the nature around you. Smile at the Sun, the Moon, and the trees. Realize that there is beauty all around not just inexpensive objects in antique stores.

LEO (JULY 24 – AUG. 23)

What is your dream? Today is a day to answer that question in as specific away as possible, then to set about attaining that goal. All signs indicate that whatever you begin today will likely pay off big time. Even though you may feel that your dreams are too ambitious, there is no need to feel overwhelmed. Vow to take things one step at a time, and keep in mind that old adage: “Well begun is half done.”

VIRGO (AUG. 24 – SEPT. 23)

Today you should feel things starting to solidify in a personal sense, like finally making peace with someone you’ve been disagreeing with. It would be good to call a truce and be thinking about how the two of you can help each other. You might have been drawn into an ego battle that was unproductive. Now it’s time to move on, grow up, and realize that the new month is bringing opportunity your way.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 – OCT. 23)

Today is a good day for you to simply get things done. Take care of those annoying tasks that have been building up for a while now. You have a great opportunity to accomplish quite a bit. People are less concerned with frivolous drivel and gossip than they are with setting a plan toward meeting an important goal. Contribute to this trend by getting serious about the tasks at hand.

SCORPIO (OCT. 24 – NOV. 22)

You have an affectionate nature, though you sometimes look the other way when something’s bothering you in a relationship. Sometimes it pays to be honest with your special someone. Soulmates are put in our lives to teach us how to be our full selves. Even when we’re upset or concerned about something, our soulmate needs to know. Don’t be shy today about expressing yourself. You’ll feel better if you do.


Today is a day to shine, so make sure you are giving it your all. Be sure that you are getting the credit you deserve for all that you do. Try not to fall into a mode of self-pity. Be yourself, and people will naturally follow your lead. Now is an excellent time to make some plans for the future. Stay grounded and on target with your goals. Make sure you are not thrown off course by other people’s whims and motivations.


This will be an amazing day for you and you’ll highly be in tune to the spiritual power of today’s planetary alignment. If you go out this evening, you may have some enlightening conversations with friends throughout the night. You might discover something interesting about life that you didn’t know before. Be open to this personal revelation and enjoy it!

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 – FEB. 19)

You may find it hard to trust other people today. Trust your instincts, they are probably right. Don’t take anything for face value. There is a fanciful frenzy that is trying to lure you into its madness. Approach things with caution! Be on guard. You may discover that people are full of a great deal of hot air today. If it doesn’t have real meaning for you, don’t waste your time.

PISCES (FEB. 20 – MAR 20)

If you are feeling lonely, you should probably try to reach out to others. Your eccentricity and your need of freedom can interfere with your social life. You know that you need the appreciation of your entourage and you want to be a part of society. Therefore, it would be wise to try to become more pragmatic.

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