Today’s Horoscope said that every day comes a host of new opportunities and circumstances. Preparing for what’s in store for you will always keep you ready for the best and the worst situations. Want to know what the day has in plan for you, check out the free astrology prediction for all zodiac signs right here. If you want to know your weekly and monthly horoscope, you can also click here.

ARIES (MAR 21 – APR. 20)

In a business or school project, you will notice a big problem early in the day—the good news is, you will have plenty of time to tackle it before the big deadline. Organize your approach and don’t just pull apart everything and start over again. There are small adjustments you can make that will solve the problem, so take your time and don’t rush things. In your private life, conflicts are starting to settle down today and it looks like everyone is back to loving each other again!. It’s not that I think arguments are wrong that I advise caution now, but since it looks as if you may go off at half-cock, you could actually make matters worse. Stay cool and make things better!

TAURUS (APR. 21 – MAY 21)

Your sweet disposition is making you very popular with the people who are in power right now, therefore you are in a good position to have them give you just about whatever you want—time, advice, affection, even money! But you need to be wise with this power and use it judiciously. Think long and hard before you use it because your spontaneous commands might satisfy your momentary whims, but they could also cause you to regret a few things later on in the day.


You’ll need a good night’s rest in order to prepare for this day of bustling activity, split-second decision-making, and lots of surprises! Equipped with a quick mind, you can handle everything like a Jedi master and will have a lot of fun tackling the next puzzle. Put yourself in the centre of the action and who everyone that you’re a force to be reckoned with—and a superstar in the making! Reach out to a blue friend and encourage them to get happily distracted in all the activity. Be confident and realise that, with a flutter of your eyelashes and a discreet wink, you can wrap almost anyone around your little finger.


Have you been having difficulty communicating with a partner or close sibling? Sometimes, where you know each other so well, it makes it all the more difficult to understand each other. Old assumptions can get in the way. This confusion is going to be your biggest relationship issue for a while, and you need to keep working on being clear in what you want. Break it down into what you need, and what you hope for. It’s important to let people know that you love them for who they are. Overall, it’s not a time for bargains. Your extravagant tendencies extend towards partnership proposals, and a lavish gesture could secure your ends.

LEO (JULY 24 – AUG. 23)

All you have to do today is to keep following your instincts—they are rock solid! Keep going in the direction that feels the best, and you won’t be in danger of going off track. There is a role you’re starting to get comfortable in that you never thought would fit—just goes to show you that life always has surprises for you that help keep you on your toes. Community involvement could give you a true sense of your purpose, so consider moving into a volunteer situation.A colleague or business associate should be taken to the task although, if legal questions are on the agenda, you may be motivated by the broad spirit rather than the precise letter of the law. In other words, you’re after justice rather than revenge!

VIRGO (AUG. 24 – SEPT. 23)

You’re smart enough to know that you don’t know everything—so if you find yourself having a difference of opinion with someone today, try to look at the situation as a learning opportunity. Having a healthy curiosity for another person’s point of view will earn you their respect—and turn a potentially prickly situation into a mutually enjoyable exchange. If you’re quizzed in a factual area and come up short, the correct information will shed some light on a long-standing problem. The only question is whether you can distinguish genuine perceptions from idle hopes, wishes and fears. This is not as easy as it sounds, especially as the facts seem to be shielded by a layer of fantasy.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 – OCT. 23)

Today it’s not about figuring out what other people can do to make you happy. It’s not even about figuring out what you can do to make yourself happy. It’s all about figuring out what you can do to help someone else! Be of service to someone who needs a hand. Send a sad friend into giggle fits, loan a strapped coworker some cash, or just surrender a rock star parking space to a haggard-looking mom. Doing something nice for someone else will help you feel good about yourself in a whole new way. If you’re undecided, then why don’t you wait until after the weekend before taking a firm choice as to the next stage or phase of activity. Above all, remember that current planetary influences tend to make you impulsive, reckless and liable to go over the top.

SCORPIO (OCT. 24 – NOV. 22)

Multitasking is somewhat overrated—after all, why would you praise someone for being able to pay minimal attention to lots of things at once? It’s time to focus on one thing at a time and learn that doing too many things on the go means that you will never appreciate any of them. Eating while you’re working, talking on the phone while you’re driving, or surfing the internet while you’re watching TV are not wise ideas today. Remind yourself what concentration feels like!. Any and all such devious actions may be about to blow up in your face. And that’s precisely why you’d better play it straight.


As you enter this day, there will be a lot of drama going on, and you may start to hear alarm bells ringing. Don’t worry—you can avoid all the conflicts and hand-wringing easily. Simply stay focused on your own path. Eyes down, feet pointed forward and marching along. Your giving nature may tempt you to hop into the middle of the fray with a helping hand but resist it. You will do more good for everyone involved—especially yourself—if you keep your nose in your own business. Even if all is sweetness and light there are rumblings of discontent. If you are able, you must be flexible with people who deserve your consideration, but firm with those who do not.


The virility and masculine energy forced on you today are all for the show—someone wants to intimidate you and your group of coworkers or friends into doing what they want them to do, not what the group needs to do. Poking a few holes in their bluster will be irresistible (not to mention hilarious), so poke away! Sometimes the people who look the strongest physically are the weakest mentally, so their silly attempts at charming you will be unsuccessful and a bit piteous. You have some very intense needs at the moment, like your desire to be understood for a start! You’re also in an ambitious mood; self-motivation is all very well, but you may pick up the wrong end of the stick. Don’t take secret fears and worries too seriously. For some reason, your imagination is trying to wind you up!

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 – FEB. 19)


Today you’ll come face to face with someone whose delusions of grandeur will entertain and amuse you. They have a dramatically different view of reality than you do, and could serve as a cautionary tale. By living beyond their financial abilities, they are setting themselves up for a serious fall. Any of your advice will fall on deaf ears, so don’t even try to encourage them to be careful with their money. Just let them live their life and make their mistakes.Possibly you should tell partners and colleagues to stop whingeing and get on with their lives. But do so in a way which doesn’t offend unnecessarily.

PISCES (FEB. 20 – MAR 20)

Someone will say something shocking today that will leave you stunned with amazement—but it will also give you a moment of contemplative pause. What they said might be unusual, but it is not incorrect. And, as you mull it over as the day continues, you’ll see that it’s not really all that shocking after all. You have the freedom to open your mind and rearrange a few things inside of it, so consider doing so today. Expand your ideas and you’ll expand your soul. You’ll re-examine your choices and review all outstanding options. Over the coming days, home and family, emotion and intellect, imagination and practicality will appear as irreconcilable. The truth, however, may point in a different direction

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