Vistara on Tuesday announced a discount up to 75 percent on flight tickets in a limited-period offer. Under a 24-hour flash sale, called “Fly With The Best”, the airline said it is offering flight tickets priced from an all-inclusive Rs. 999 on select routes. The starting fare ofRs. 999 is on economy class bookings, the airline said in a statement. Vistara said bookings under the sale will begin from 12:01 am on September 19, 2018, and will close at 11:59 pm. The 24-hour sale from the airline comes amid high competition in the country’s civil aviation market.
Here are five things to know about the 24-hour Vistara sale:
1. Bookings under the sale are applicable on a travel period from September 27 to April 10, 2019.
2. The airline said the sale fares are available in all three classes “at discounts of up to 75 per cent relative to non-sale fares”.
3. The fares (inclusive of taxes and fees) start from Rs. 999 for economy class bookings, Rs. 2,199 for premium economy, and Rs. 5,499 for business class, it noted.
4. Without divulging the total number of seats offered under the scheme, the airline said: “Seats are limited and are available on first-come-first-serve basis… The more in advance one books, the lower the fare.”
5. The airline shared some of the sample fares offered under the sale:
Origin | Destination | Economy Lite | Economy Standard | Premium Economy fares | Business Class |
Bagdogra | Guwahati | 999 | 1249 | 2,199 | 5,499 |
Delhi | Chandigarh | 1,199 | 1499 | 2,299 | 9,999 |
Jammu | Srinagar | 1,199 | 1499 | 2,299 | 5,599 |
Chennai | Kochi | 1,199 | 1499 | 2,299 | 5,599 |
Delhi | Amritsar | 1,299 | 1499 | 2,299 | 5,599 |
Delhi | Lucknow | 1,499 | 1899 | 2,499 | 6,499 |
Delhi | Ahmedabad | 1,699 | 1999 | 2,499 | 6,499 |
Delhi | Srinagar | 1,999 | 2499 | 3,499 | 8,999 |
Delhi | Varanasi | 1,999 | 2299 | 3,199 | 8,999 |
Ahmedabad | Bengaluru | 2,099 | 2399 | 3,499 | 8,999 |
Delhi | Ranchi | 2,199 | 2599 | 3,999 | 9,999 |
Delhi | Hyderabad | 2,249 | 2799 | 3,999 | 9,999 |
Delhi | Bagdogra | 2,299 | 2599 | 3,499 | 9,999 |
Delhi | Mumbai | 2,299 | 2699 | 3,999 | 13,499 |
Delhi | Bhubaneswar | 2,449 | 2799 | 3,899 | 9,999 |
Chennai | Kolkata | 2,499 | 2799 | 3,999 | 9,999 |
Delhi | Pune | 2,499 | 2999 | 3,999 | 9,999 |
Delhi | Kolkata | 2,499 | 2799 | 3,999 | 9,999 |
Delhi | Bengaluru | 2,599 | 2999 | 3,999 | 9,999 |
Mumbai | Amritsar | 2,599 | 2999 | 3,999 | 9,999 |
Delhi | Guwahati | 2,649 | 2999 | 3,999 | 11,499 |
Delhi | Chennai | 2,699 | 3299 | 4,499 | 11,499 |
Delhi | Kochi | 2,999 | 3499 | 4,499 | 11,499 |
(Source: Vistara) |
GoAir sale
Meanwhile, GoAir on Monday announced a sale offer under which flyers can grab flight tickets for as low as Rs 799. The 2-day sale ended yesterday. The offer period should be between the period of October 1 and October 20. “Long weekends just got better with great deals! Fly Smart with GoAir at fares starting at ₹799. Also, become a GoStar member and avail Rs 225 off as convenience fee on your next flight. RuPay members can also enjoy 10% off on the next booking on GoAir. In or app,” GoAir said on its website.