WhatsApp Dark Mode: WhatsApp has announced the arrival of its Dark Mode feature. The Facebook-owned chatting app has rolled out the new theme for Beta testers on Android. The Dark Mode has been one of the most anticipated features of WhatsApp by users across the globe. According to reports, once the new mode is installed, it will make the home screen of the app, as well as the settings menu, appear dark green in color. WhatsApp tipster WABetainfo said in Tweet, “Yes, it’s happening! The dark theme is finally available for Android beta users! The article has been updated with the 2.20.13 APK download link, so you can test the Dark Theme if you aren’t a beta tester!
Yes, it’s happening! The dark theme is finally available for Android beta users! ?
The article has been updated with the 2.20.13 APK download link, so you can test the Dark Theme if you aren’t a beta tester! https://t.co/540CGIwZCK
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) January 22, 2020
WABetainfo also added that if beta testers are unable to see the dark option on WhatsApp, then they will have to delete and reinstall the app. After this to activate the dark mode on smartphones, beta testers will have to go to Settings then click on chats. After clicking chats they will have to go to the Theme icon. After reaching the theme icon, one will be able to see the dark theme option which they will need to click to activate and use it on their smartphones.
However, one important thing to note here is that there is no official announcement from WhatsApp regarding the official rollout of the dark mode on Android or on the iOS platform. But considering the fact that it is already available for Android beta testers, the rollout for all WhatsApp users may also be just around the corner.