BSNL Rs 1499 plan: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has launched a new prepaid plan priced at Rs. 1,499. The new prepaid plan comes with a validity of 365 days. As part of its introductory deal for the first 90 days that the offer is available, BSNL is offering an additional 30 days of validity or a total validity of 395 days for the subscriber. The telecom operator has also withdrawn a prepaid plan voucher priced at Rs. 429, and in return has reintroduced a special tariff voucher at the same price.
The new BSNL Rs. 1,499 prepaid offer was announced via a BSNL Chennai circular. This new plan will offer unlimited free voice calls with a FUP limit of 250 outgoing minutes in a day. After the 250 minutes are consumed, BSNL says that the subscriber will be charged at base plan tariff for the rest of the day till midnight. There’s a total of 24GB data offered along with 100 SMS messages per day.
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The base plan attached to this Rs. 1,499 prepaid plan is the “Advance per minute plan 94.” This means that prepaid plan customers will be charged at Re. 1 per minute for local calls to a mobile network and BSNL landlines. Local calls to other landline numbers and STD calls are applicable at Rs. 1.3 per minute. BSNL says activation of Rs. 1,499 plan is available through C-TOPUP, self-care and website.
Apart from this, BSNL also withdrew its current plan voucher priced at Rs. 429, replacing it with a new special tariff voucher of the same denomination. This new Rs. 429 plan offers unlimited data with speed restricted to 40kbps after 1GB data per day. It also offers unlimited voice calls with a FUP limit of 250 outgoing minutes per day. After consumption of FUP, BSNL notes that subscribers will be charged as per base tariff for calls. The plan also offers 100 SMS messages per day and EROS Now Entertainment services, valid for 81 days. This new Rs. 429 special tariff voucher can be activated through C-TOPUP, self-care, and website.
The telecom operator points out that activation of the plan through self-care does not provide Eros Now Entertainment services. If subscribed to the plan through other methods, the Eros Now subscription username and password details will be shared with the customer along with the download link of the application through SMS.