Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced on Monday that his government will give Pulse Oximeters to the COVID-19 patients under home isolation in the city and said the number of coronavirus tests has increased by three times in the national capital.
Noting that one of the problems being faced by coronavirus patients in home isolation is the sudden drop in oxygen levels, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Monday that all those patients will be provided pulse oximeters to monitor their oxygen levels.
Coronavirus affects the respiratory system leading to breathlessness and all those patients will be regularly monitored by teams through calls and be provided assistance with oximeters to help them stabilize.
“The Delhi government will provide pulse oximeters to all home quarantine cases,” said the CM at a press conference today. He added once the patient has recovered, the oximeters can be returned.
Experts too have recommended the use of this relatively cheap device at home that can forewarn you about any impending crisis. A pulse-oximeter costs between Rs 1,000 to 3,000.
As per the report, the government is procuring 1 lakh pulse-oximeters – a small clip-on device that has to be attached to the finger-tip to check the amount of oxygen in the body. Current guidelines say that Covid-19 patients have to be admitted to hospitals if their oxygen saturation drops to 90% or below (normal is 95 to 100%).
The CM informed that there are 25,000 active Covid-19 cases in Delhi and around 12,000 people are presently under home isolation.
At a meeting chaired by home minister Amit Shah on Sunday, it was decided that contact tracing would be scaled up in the city-state and would be diligently followed for all Covid-19 patients using the Aarogya Setu app.
There will be a fresh delineation of containment zones in Delhi and a serological survey will be carried out from June 27 to ascertain the scale of the spread of the infectious disease in the city, the MHA said in a statement.
Amit Shah, according to a statement by the home ministry, has further directed that there should be an analysis pertaining to every deceased person, including the number of days he was in the hospital and his place of residence; whether the person was in home isolation or being treated in a hospital.
Emphasizing earlier that coronavirus positive patients do recover from the highly infectious disease, Kejriwal had said “more than 80 percent of coronavirus positive patients either have no symptoms at all and most people recover in about 17 days if they follow proper home isolation guidelines”. The CM had urged people not to panic if they test Covid-19 positive and follow all health protocol and isolate themselves completely at home in a separate room with a separate washroom.