NHAI Recruitment 2021: The National Highway Office of India (NHAI) is looking for applications from civil engineering graduates to the post of Deputy Manager (Technology). Eligible candidates can apply for the post until May 28th. Candidates are selected through the Graduate School of Engineering Aptitude Test (GATE) 2021 score. Through this recruitment activity, 41 candidates will be selected for NHAI posts. Candidates can apply for a job through the NHAI official website.
Important dates
Last date to apply for the post is May 28.
NHAI Recruitment 2021: Eligibility
Aspirants must have a degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised university/institution. The candidate must have cleared GATE 2021 in Civil Engineering discipline.
NHAI invites applications for appointment through GATE 2021 scores in Civil Engineering discipline
Click here for more details: https://t.co/njFTxnxpFL#NHAI #BuildingTheNation pic.twitter.com/MRoNicWidR
— NHAI (@NHAI_Official) April 29, 2021
NHAI Recruitment 2021: Selection process
NHAI states that it will follow a “direct recruitment” process using the candidate’s GATE 2021 score.
NHAI Recruitment 2021: Salary
Candidates selected for the NHAI Deputy Manager (Technical) post will receive salaries ranging from Rs 15,600 to Rs 39,100 and will be given an additional grade of Rs 5400.
How to apply
Step 1) Go to NHAI’s official website
Step 2) On the home page, place the cursor on “About NHAI”, scroll down to vacant seats and click “Current”.
Step 3) Displayed for the deputy manager (technical) vacancies listed on serial number 3.[今すぐ適用]Click.
Step 4) Fill out the application form and upload the relevant documents
Step 5) Submit your application and print it out for future use
According to NHAI official notice, candidates will receive a scanned copy of classes 10, 12, civil engineering degree, GATE scorecard ID, photo, signature in .jpg /.jpeg or .png or .gif image type. Only you are asked to upload. Do not exceed 1MB.
About NHAI
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was constituted by an Act of Parliament in 1988 under the administrative control of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways NHAI has been set up as a Central Authority to develop, maintain and manage the National Highways entrusted to it by the Government of India. The authority, however, became operational in February, 1995. The Authority consists of a full time Chairman, and not more than five full time Members and four part time Members who are appointed by the Central Government. The part time Members are the Secretary (RT&H), Secretary (Expenditure), Secretary (Planning) and DG (RD) & SS. NHAI has technical, Finance, Administrative and Vigilance Wings at its Headquarters. Project implementation Units (PIUs) headed by a Project Director and supported by various technical and accounts officers have been set up at various sites to oversee timely completion of the projects.