Ask Amazon Alexa: Amazon has empowered its virtual assistant Alexa which will now answer basic questions around the COVID-19 pandemic. Alexa can now answer tens of thousands of questions related to COVID-19 in countries around the world, Amazon said in a statement late Sunday.

The Company(in its statement) has said that “We are working to provide accurate and timely information from official government and news sources globally.

With this latest rolled out feature, the smart assistant will be able to help users in India find out if they have the symptoms for COVID-19. This can be done by asking questions like “Alexa, what do I do if I think I have coronavirus?”, “Alexa, how do I know if I have coronavirus?” It even supports the same question in the Hindi language too. Users can ask “Alexa, Kya Mujhe coronavirus hai?” to get the same response. Alexa in reply will ask a series of questions to users and provide ICMR and Ministry of Health guidance given their risk level and symptoms.

“Using the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) guidance, our Alexa team built an India-specific experience that lets you use Alexa to check your symptoms for COVID-19 at home,” said Amazon.

There are several additional new things that Alexa users can try with smart speakers as they stay home.

Alexa can help you maximize family-fun time with some fun games.

To have a crazy family game time with Alexa just say “Alexa, open Akinator”, “Alexa, play impossible Bollywood quiz”, “Alexa, open Number Guessing Game” or “Alexa, play true or false”.

In the social distancing times, Alexa can be your daily Gyan guru by teaching you a new fact every day. Regular exercise is essential for supporting healthy immune function, preventing weight gain, boosting your mood and keeping you as healthy as possible at home. Alexa can also help you stay fit. Just ask “Alexa, play Bollywood workout playlist”, “Alexa, help me do yoga”, “Alexa, open Daily Stretch” or “Alexa, start five-minute plank”.

“Alexa can also help if you are having a stressful time. With the Headspace Alexa skill, you can build a daily meditation practice, create the conditions for a better night’s sleep, or go on guided walks and runs,” according to the company.