CBSE Class 10 Result Date 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has extended the deadline for schools to submit the internal marks as well as marks given to them via internal assessment. Now, schools can submit these marks by June 30. Subsequently, the class 10 result which was to be released in the third week of June stands postponed. Now the result are expected to be declared by July first week, however, the board is yet to release the updated result date.


As per the latest notification, schools can submit these marks by June 30. “CBSE accords the highest priority to safety and health of the teachers. Keeping in view the situation of the pandemic, lockdown in states, schools have been given extensions in their marks submission deadlines till June 30. However, the result committee can make its own schedule based on the scheme provided by CBSE”, said the Board in an official statement.


Class 10 students will be marked on the basis of an objective criterion-a set of rules to create an assessment scheme for teachers. Candidates who are not satisfied with their scores on this basis can sit in an exam whenever the conditions are conducive.

As per an official statement after the meeting, “The Prime Minister reiterated that the wellbeing of the students has to be the top priority for the government. He also stated that the Centre would keep in mind the best interests of the students and ensure that their health is taken care of at the same time their academic interests are not harmed.”


Check the official notification here: 

How schools can upload CBSE Class 10 marks

  • Visit the CBSE portal –
  • Click on the link that reads “Policy for Tabulation of Marks Class X Board exam 2021”
  • Next, click on the link to upload “Theory Data for Class X”
  • Log in with the required credentials
  • Upload the Class 10 marks and submit.