The central government has told the Lok Sabha that technical glitches in the new income tax e-filing portal OR I-T portal are continuously being resolved by its software developer Infosys.


On a question related to glitches hounding the new income tax portal since its launch on June 7, Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary noted that the Income Tax Department is continuously engaged with Infosys to expedite the resolution of any pending issues.

The government on Monday said certain key functionalities like user profile, ITR 1, 2 and 4 filing, e-proceedings, viewing of old ITRs, are available to the users on the new income tax portal.

The Income Tax Department had launched the new e-filing portal on June 7. 

The new e-filing portal had a bumpy start from the day of its launch on June 7 as it faced tech glitches.

The tax department had taken corrective measures through Infosys based on feedback from taxpayers, tax professionals and representatives of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

Practitioners claim the I-T portal has not been working properly since its launch in June. A Mumbai-based tax consultant, said “We are seeing issues like difficulty in filing ITR for FY 2020-21, with the portal showing errors for the bank account and requiring a late fee and treating returns are delayed even though the due date has been extended. There are difficulties in registering the DSC. There are difficulties in downloading forms from past years. The e-proceedings tab is not fully operational, while the tab for the ongoing Vivaad-se-Vishwas scheme is missing. The facility to file Form 15CA and 15CB for foreign remittances is not functional leading to the need for physical filing of these forms with the banks, leading to significant delays in payment processing. Responding to notices is difficult as the utilities for past years don’t work consistently and DSC validation is glitching or OTPs are not reaching for e-verification. It is also almost impossible to update the profile to 100%, with no way to see what is missing or pending in some cases.”