Today’s Horoscope said that every day comes a host of new opportunities and circumstances. Preparing for what’s in store for you will always keep you ready for the best and the worst situations. Want to know what the day has in plan for you, check out the free astrology prediction for all zodiac signs right here. If you want to know your weekly and monthly horoscope, you can also click here.

ARIES (MAR 21 – APR. 20)

Today you may host a social event in your home and invite some very interesting people. Your guests might include creative people who make use of modern technology. There could also be several people who are into astrology, Tarot, numerology, or some other occult discipline. You’ll probably learn a lot from these people, so make sure you participate in as many conversations as possible. The host, after all, needs to pay attention to all the guests! Have fun!

TAURUS (APR. 21 – MAY 21)

A very loving missive could come to you today, probably from a woman, possibly your mother. If this is a letter, it may go on for several pages. If it is a phone call, the conversation could well last for a long time, so try to schedule some free time during the day. Whoever this person is, today’s contact is going to make a very positive difference in your relationship.


Have you been thinking recently about a friend who lives far away, whom you may not have heard from in a long time? If so, you just might get a letter or phone call from them today! Your intuition is especially high right now, and so you’ve probably been picking up telepathically on the fact that your friend has been thinking about you. Don’t be surprised – this happens all the time.


A new friend could come your way today, probably a woman. This person could be very imaginative and artistic, but she could also be very psychic. She might be involved in Tarot, psychometry, or other forms of divination. She might find you very easy to read, so if you have any secrets, make sure you keep the white light around yourself in order to protect them! Enjoy your new friendship, and have fun.

LEO (JULY 24 – AUG. 23)

You are not likely to be your usual superstar self today. Your capacity is somewhat diminished due to the lethargic atmosphere. Try as you might, tasks will likely take longer than you’d like. Try not to get too frustrated. You’ll find that you’re not the only person feeling this way. In fact, everything seems slowed down, from the coffee maker to the pizza delivery guy. Take the day for what it is. Try and relax into it, if you can.

VIRGO (AUG. 24 – SEPT. 23)

This is a good day to speak up about what has been bothering you. Your partner senses that something is wrong; it is only fair that you say what is on your mind. It may be that you are remaining silent simply for fear that speaking up will ruin your relationship. Come on, you know better. In fact, the opposite is true. There is nothing like a good, honest problem solving session to bring a couple closer together.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 – OCT. 23)

Today, you may feel a passionate attraction for someone who’s very intelligent, and perhaps makes a living in a field such as law, education, or publishing. Conversations with this person today could touch upon some very deep issues, such as spiritual matters, the human psyche, or the nature of the Universe. You should walk away feeling deeply affected, not only by the person, but by the subjects discussed. Take a walk to clear your head.

SCORPIO (OCT. 24 – NOV. 22)

A walk through your neighborhood, perhaps in the company of friends, could put you right in the middle of an interesting event that you hadn’t expected. This may be a public gathering, like a fair, that you didn’t know about, or it could be an impromptu get-together, like a rally. Whatever it is, you and your friends could well be transfixed by the goings-on. Make careful mental notes of what happens, then write your impressions down later.


Trips both short and long will likely be mired in mechanical difficulties and delays of all types. You will get to your destination eventually, but you are going to have to be patient. If you are heading to the airport, be sure to bring a book-a long one-to help make the wait more bearable. If you’re just heading across town, bring your favorite music tape of compact disc to keep your spirits up. Your frustration will be forgotten once you arrive


You may be expecting some out-of-town visitors today. Happy as you are about their impending arrival, you may be on the verge of feeling overwhelmed by all that remains to be done. Pace yourself, and remember that these friends are coming to see you, not to check under the beds for dust bunnies. It’s more important to cook a good meal for them and set a pretty table than stressing about housekeeping minutia. Leave some time to relax with a cup of tea so you can be refreshed for their visit.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 – FEB. 19)

Today is likely to be a strange day for you, as you find it increasingly difficult to concentrate as the day wears on. This is unlike you. Normally you are so efficient and levelheaded. Blame it on the planets, as their configuration is the cause of the sense of lethargy and ennui in the air. Accept the fact that you will not be moving at your usual pace. You can make up for lost time tomorrow.

PISCES (FEB. 20 – MAR 20)

Expect to hear some great news today. It will arrive via letter or phone, so be sure to pick up when you hear the ring. It may be that some distant relatives call to say they are coming for a visit, or maybe you find out about a trip that you and your family will be taking in the near future. Your spirit soars with the news, and you imbue others with your excitement and positive spirit.

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